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Useful articles about biological drugs

01 October, 2024

Autumn garden care

Autumn is a wonderful period for gathering the long-awaited harvest. After harvesting fruits and berries, orchards and orchards begin to prepare for the next season. What exactly and how to do it, we tell in the article.

09 July, 2024

Increasing the yield of winter rapeseed with the help of an inoculant BioStim™ ТК

Ukraine is one of the leading countries for growing winter rape in the world, thanks to favorable climatic conditions and large land resources for growing this crop. In the article, we will consider the influence of the inoculant on the yield of rapeseed.

10 June, 2024

Spider mite on soybean and sunflower

The spider mite on soybeans and sunflowers is a serious pest of this crop. It can cause significant damage to crops, the average damage to crops is up to 30% of crops, especially in conditions favorable for its reproduction, for example, in a dry and hot period.

27 March, 2024

The most frequent questions when growing cereals

In our article, we will consider the most common questions when growing grain crops with the use of inoculants.

14 March, 2024

Frequently asked questions when growing sunflowers

In our article, we will consider the most common questions when growing sunflowers using inoculants.

11 March, 2024

Frequently asked questions when growing corn

Let's consider the most frequent questions that farmers have when growing corn with the use of an inoculant.

08 March, 2024

The most frequent questions when growing soybeans

Let's consider the most common questions when growing soybeans using inoculants.

06 September, 2023

Improvement of yield and protection against post-harvest diseases

Harvesting in the fall is the most anticipated and pleasant moment for which the owners take care of their plants. During the season, there is a lot of work in every household, starting with planting, sowing, pruning or other work in the spring and ending with the collection of the long-awaited harvest in the fall. But the work does not end after harvesting, and by carrying out some operations, you can not only save the harvest, but also reduce the likelihood of diseases in the new season.

05 September, 2023

Crop protection before harvesting

The period of ripening of fruits and berries (apples, pears, grapes) is the most anticipated among the owners. Picking ripe fruits and berries is a responsible process, but quite often it happens that the crop starts to get sick just before picking. Rot, powdery mildew and many others begin to develop with the onset of wet weather in autumn.

28 August, 2023

Restoration of soil fertility in autumn

A significant part of macronutrients, which is in the soil and applied together with fertilizers, is unavailable to plants. This is related to the degree of solubility of fertilizers, forms of NPP and physical and chemical properties of the soil. Also, in the process of growing agricultural crops, there is a significant chemical load on the soil (herbicides, fungicides), which also affect the degree of nutrition, growth and development of the next crop. All this together with non-observance of crop rotation leads to soil fatigue.

18 August, 2023

Protect the future crop from soil pests now

Autumn is the time of harvest and preparation of sown areas for the following crops. An even more important stage of applying soil insecticides is added to such already familiar agro measures as digging, disking and plowing.

16 August, 2023

Protection of the future harvest

Autumn will soon come, which means. that harvest time is coming, but few people think about the fact that after harvesting a wide range of diseases remains in the soil.

14 August, 2023

American white butterfly

The American white butterfly is a dangerous quarantine pest that damages up to 230 species of tree-shrub and herbaceous plants, including apple and other fruit crops. Eating the leaves completely, the pest sharply reduces the yield of trees that do not grow, lose winter resistance and may die.

26 July, 2023

Spider mite on grapes

A spider mite is one of the most common insects capable of dooming a plant to death. It settles on a leaf and sucks out all the juices from it, as a result the plant dies. Horticulturists constantly make sure to detect uninvited guests in time and protect useful plantings.

27 June, 2023

Rapeseed flower borer is a small bug with a lot of damage

Rapeseed flower borer is a pest that damages vegetable and fruit crops, legumes and oil crops. Affects both cultivated and wild species of plants and weeds. the development of beetle larvae takes place in inflorescences, which significantly damages the flower, and thus the harvest. Adults eat pollen and inflorescences of rape, apple, grapes, cabbage, mustard and other crops.

23 June, 2023

Whitefly - pest control

The whitefly is an insect that develops in high humidity and a warm climate, for example, in greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses, in houses or apartments. It prefers dense plantings with a small amount of space - the whitefly does not like air movement.

13 June, 2023

Nematode on strawberries - how to fight, effective methods of control and prevention of the disease

Summer residents face many difficulties when growing vegetable and berry crops on their plots. One of the most dangerous and insidious pests for strawberries and strawberries is the nematode. The difficulty of dealing with this parasite is that it is so small that it is very difficult to detect.

09 June, 2023

Pear copperhead - methods of struggle and protection

Pear copperhead, aka pear leaf spot, originates from Europe and Asia. At the moment, this species is the worst enemy of gardeners in Western Europe and is widespread everywhere. The European origin causes a higher activity at low temperatures than in insects that emigrated from the West, but the warm season is still the best for the honey bee.

31 May, 2023

The felt mite is a dangerous pest of grapes

Grape mite (aka felt mite, phytoptus, eryophis) is a representative of a large family of gall mites, many of which are serious pests of cultivated plants (for example, the bud currant mite and pear gall mite are well known to many).

24 May, 2023

Boxwood firefly - How to deal with a dangerous pest

Boxwood butterfly or boxwood firefly (Cydalima perspectalis) is a Far Eastern species of butterfly from the firefly family. This insect was discovered in Western Europe around 2006 and is believed to have arrived with a shipment of Boxwood from the Far East. Currently, it is found in approximately 30 European countries.

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